An example, perhaps the most striking comes from Piedmont. A DJ, in fact, has decided to work 180 hours in a row on the radio, without closing one eye, followed by technicians and physicians to view. The unusual record, which stated aim of a DJ for Radio BBSI in Alexandria, not new to this type of special effects, it is also an initiative also aimed to pèerseguir Euno purpose of solidarity, specifically in support of Eagle Radio, heavily damaged by the earthquake. Stefano Venneri, 35, of Alexandria, has entered three times in the Guinness World after becoming the first to broadcast upside down on a crane. Now a new challenge that will start at 6.00 on 16 May on Radio BBSI Alexandria. "I have already been contacted singers, friends, relatives, Alexandrian and even his little girl of 2 years ... - Lets you know the station - for live links and more, in Guinness aid operation. " These are some of the records already achieved by Venneri: 125 hours without sleep to the microphones of BBSI in 2006, a 135 hours in 2007, 865 hugs in 21 minutes in 2008, head 15 minutes down to 20 meters high on a crane playing records in 2008. He trains, says the dj record, reading the book "Healing without sleep," because few hours of sleep improve your life. An example of how solidarity and Reunification and all its resources, now in difficulty, both in the round, full, honest and, above all, penetrated into the hearts of all Italians, have all agreed to make a contribution, small or large, professional, voluntary or dramatic, as in this case, but always witness the full involvement of everyone.
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