The special unit of the Guardia di Finanza in cooperation with the Authority for Guarantees in Communications Anti-Piracy and the Service of SIAE in Italy are running a series of inspections of local television and radio stations to verify the correctness of permits and enforcement of legislation on copyright and related rights. Many regional subsidiaries throughout the national territory between them, in particular, Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Sicily. E 'was found that some broadcasters were not in compliance with permits and general conditions of the license granted by the SIAE for the use of musical repertoire administered by it, nor had they ever paid any compensation. It was also found, in most cases, the companies had not complied with the payment of relevant charges for the rights associated with the Consortium Fonografici (SCF) or other associations. Were also seized 12 computer stations, 70,000 digital music files "mp3" "mp4" and "avi", as well as 15,000 CDs and 15,000 LPs. The controls have been established through several cases of non-registration in the Register of Communications Operators, failure to register the establishment of conservation programs and non-magnetic archive, in violation of the requirements laid down by Law No. 249/1997 and 223/1990.
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