Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cervical Mucus And Pregnancy

CURRENCY, rubbish, MODEL, monitoring

Moneta, Rubbish, Model, monitor . What is the logical thread that unites these terms?

will explain the first leg of our journey , a path, as described in the opening post of the blog, within ideas and memes strategies for addressing the crisis, with a focus on people and less on things.

begin by CURRENCY . That is not there. Especially in cases of the Italian State strangled by a public debt, which, according to data from the Bank of Italy, in October 2010 reached a new record (1867398000000 euro, against 1.844 billion in September), and a devastating crisis that shows no sign decrease. The same President Giorgio Napolitano (last Wednesday, January 26) launched an appeal in this sense: it is necessary to "force growth, because now we can not hide the fact that the recovery was less marked than in other countries." According to the weather, remember the Head of State at the end of 2012, GDP has recovered about half of the seven-point loss suffered during the recession. In short, the crisis is not over, but rather to explain the effects will continue in the coming years (according to us with a perspective of further development over the next 5-10 years). We hope that states and governments resist the temptation to beat other currency, "and instead" fly other routes, perhaps even more unpopular, but perhaps a more just and more suited to straighten the course of events.

And we do that? We continue to produce garbage . That is to consume. Buying, enjoying, fast, and then mess: after all in the language of marketing we are "consumers". We would like to use another term perhaps more appropriate to distinguish, perhaps better "users" or "users" . The term consumers put more emphasis on one aspect that is becoming increasingly negative values \u200b\u200bCOLLECTIVE: that of consumption, in fact. Energy consumption, land consumption, consumption of natural elements, consumption of factors of production, consumption environment and consumption of screw machined ...

The call echoed so far was that you had to buy (and eat) so that someone could produce, and in turn consume inputs. The mark made by leading members of our ruling class is: "To increase productivity!". In our opinion low, this may not be the main way to get out and exclusive Crisis. In an era where economic events have challenged even capitalism itself (or rather the declination of it represented by the turbo) the productivity can not be the key . Because the lock no longer 'CONSUMERS.

Rather we believe the solution is to search for items that are located elsewhere appease deep relation to the consumer. Among these, the one that seems most suitable is the KNOW. THINK needs to regain the lost positions on PRODUCE . Why through creative thinking and innovation can create new development simply improve what is already there and discover alternatives to GDP How? Innovating with Creativity and Sharing.

And so then that is no longer convenient to postpone the solution to problems, become established practice for decades, not only in Italy. The younger generation, but also the less young people are tired of eating lifestyle presentations, of ways of being, to appear and to communicate that appear as MODEL fashion, which must conform to one of the most poorly understood because of tribal identity. Many are really questioning whether this model represents a social value or is - as opposed to a perfect non-value-COLLECTIVE. Young people are paying a high price before the altar for the consecration of the wrong model, incense as the most popular, and spread by testimonials that are becoming increasingly unlikely in the orientation of the collective consciousness.

And to be protagonists of the recent riots erupted in the East, in the Maghreb countries, but with possible further consequences, are mostly young , who pay the price higher social . Rising unemployment, social injustice and insecurity continued terms are now taken into their lives, as cornerstones of existence with which they deal every day. But to confuse and even the lack of a true MODEL, indeed of models: the virtues and values \u200b\u200bas a people can identify and pass on. Of course these values, in Italy, are not represented by the policy, which has long abdicated its role of leadership in society (but it is increasingly mirrored in the sense derogatory, but merely to look like cows). The points of reference, the model precisely, are often conveyed by a television increasingly aimed at the futile, the chatter, the reality, where the sudden fame that comes in the life of a stranger / a seems to be the turning point of life and wrong is a "culmination of a dream to most, compared to years of constant application and sacrifices for the study and spent for a worthy work that represents the natural evolution.

The tronista or competitor of Big Brother, the tissue or busty young partygoers and worldly living (We will not say more ...) So: these are the new generation model?

Before the proliferation of misleading models, the highest institutions of the country did raise a loud voice MONITORING : change the way how you behave and think, because otherwise you risk disintegration of the country. Even our highest religious authority, the Pope appealed to that effect, associating the warning admonition Religious Lay.

The admonition therefore has the flavor of reprimand and purpose to give up from continuing on a road no longer deemed viable. The world production is in line with the warning. The President of Confindustria Emma Marcegaglia has recently said: "Italy needs to be governed and to make choices. The whole country needs to meet and to act to end the crisis. "

On the other hand, a country without a sustainable development model for the younger generation, a country that is not a castle listen to the warning, a loud voice that is raised by authoritative representatives of the civil and religious life, a country that observes the disturbing lack of COIN and liquidity, especially among families, it will become - no appreciable discontinuity - a country in the throes of total rubbish, physical and spiritual.

Gian Marco and Claudia Boccanera Nuzzarello.


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