Betsson has announced that the month of January, the players have won 90% of their play, never any other bookmaker has given us so many wins in a mese.Il which means if you win superfortunata returned in the category of those who took home a tidy sum while the loser, alas please feel a real exception in this month where they were to win too many new members who have dug out almost the bookmaker, who received more than one thousand block of bets for the 20th day exceeded the threshold of winning a larger share mese.La played was played in 96 of 1.06% above the average odds of 1.04 is the most played, least played is 1.01. The average amount of betting was € 1141 per bet, better bet is the sum of € 1200, less € 200 bet. VIP members of the bookmakers have received an average of 2000 points in euro, converted into euro on bets in the month of gennaio.L 'surge for the holiday season was always accecante.Aumenta according to the costumer care Bookmaker of the number of people specialize in playing for work, taking a slice of home for the gain immediate costs of the specialized mese.Il number of users to bet to win is greater in the cities of the North (Milano in the head, followed by Padua, Turin and Bologna) and in the south ; single region most extravagant of Italy in the Campania betting that it holds the largest number of customers Betsson Italy especially in the capital of Campania, Naples.
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