Thursday, August 6, 2009

Les Baer 1911 For Sale

The Curia said stop: Radio and closes

"It 's like an abortion." Told by a priest, is a powerful concept. But not Don Armando Carmona nothing to hide the bitterness mixed with anger that disturbs the soul for a little over a week. Since the leaders of the Curia, the mouth of Bishop and Monsignor Maurizio Carminati Lucio Gervasoni, informed him that in September and Radio, where he is director for five years, must close its doors. On the Hill are no longer willing to pay the approximately € 200 000 which are used to run a broadcaster for twenty years spreading the Word along with news, debates, sports and cultural activities. Born as
Radio Emmanuel on the initiative of Don Erminio Brasi, a priest of the Sacred Heart, with the aim to unite and save the frequencies supplied to twenty parishes (including this Sarnico, Grumello del Monte, Mornico, at least, Villongo), for fifteen years has given space mainly to religious themes and preaching. Radio Maria in a sort of version of Bergamo, in fact. Until five years ago when, for personal reasons, Don has spent Brasi's hand. The then Bishop Roberto Amadei decided to entrust the radio of the Diocese of Don Armando Carmona, recently returned to Bergamo (as pastor of High Selino) after 12 years in Bolivia. The name change was not on the radio and a re-painting. He wanted to be, and was also a revival.
Thanks to expert advice as Claudio Astori, planning was introduced to pop music. But most came cutting programs more journalistic the press release wires direct from studio guests with live matches dell'Albinoleffe chronicles. Everything on the shoulders of an agile, with very few figures in the contract (reduced over the years) and many volunteers. Recently, there were over sixty. People of all types and backgrounds, from young professionals to the oratory, the student teacher. A diverse but cohesive universe in an effort to give voice to the issues Catholic (thanks in particular to operations of Don Chino Pezzoli, the parish priest Fr David hub Don Armando and the same) but also in secular subjects. The microphone was left open to all, regardless of and beyond the politics and religion. And slowly, in a publishing scene is not easy, radio and managed to gain its own space. Small, yes, but growing. Only
that does not add up. Or rather, having rescheduled always foot the bill, the Curia decided to say enough. Closure means for the issuer. Why Radio And, while referring to the diocese, never entered the galaxy of Sesaab, the holding company controlled by the Curia same editorial with more than 70 per cent stake and which publishes, among others, L'Eco di Bergamo, The Province Como and Bergamo Alta Radio Tv 's always been a "daughter of a Lesser God", which were never given the resources and amenities that have been dished out elsewhere but with both hands (unless repent after some time).
The official announcement of the closure, as mentioned, was given last week. In September, Radio Association will meet Pope John XXIII (the formal properties) that, except when thoughts unlikely, take note of the unavailability of the Curia to finance further deficits of the radio. The issuer will close its doors and the frequencies will be offered for sale. Don Armando
would not comment, but hard to accept the order of silence. Not for himself, but for the many volunteers who gave time and passion to keep alive the voice of Radio And: "It 's a time of great bitterness, but I am also proud to have experienced an extraordinary experience and human. It threatens to break up a precious heritage. Right now, made the basis for our publishing project, something important was being born. It 's like an abortion ... "
That is, unless an intervention at the eleventh hour of the new bishop. Beschi Monsignor Francis is a man sensitive to the issue of communication, as demonstrated in its previous experience of Brescia. The closure of the radio of the Diocese a few months of taking office, while motivated by understandable economic reasons and not motivated by desire punitive, it would sound like a discordant note.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Crossed Arrows On Figurine

Controls Guardia di Finanza in local radio and TV

The special unit of the Guardia di Finanza in cooperation with the Authority for Guarantees in Communications Anti-Piracy and the Service of SIAE in Italy are running a series of inspections of local television and radio stations to verify the correctness of permits and enforcement of legislation on copyright and related rights. Many regional subsidiaries throughout the national territory between them, in particular, Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Sicily. E 'was found that some broadcasters were not in compliance with permits and general conditions of the license granted by the SIAE for the use of musical repertoire administered by it, nor had they ever paid any compensation. It was also found, in most cases, the companies had not complied with the payment of relevant charges for the rights associated with the Consortium Fonografici (SCF) or other associations. Were also seized 12 computer stations, 70,000 digital music files "mp3" "mp4" and "avi", as well as 15,000 CDs and 15,000 LPs. The controls have been established through several cases of non-registration in the Register of Communications Operators, failure to register the establishment of conservation programs and non-magnetic archive, in violation of the requirements laid down by Law No. 249/1997 and 223/1990.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Heart And Blurred Vision In Left Eye Causes

From July 31 the party platform TivùSat

Together with the satellite, Rai, Mediaset and LA7. From July 31 TivùSat part in Italy, the first digital satellite platform will be sufficient to buy a decoder (the Sky is not good, nor that of the digital terrestrial) which will cost around 100 €, insert a card free of charge and make a phone call for activation . All national channels do not pay, now who does not have terrestrial digital television can only see if you subscribed to Sky, will be open to all. "There is a pay-TV, will be open only to publishers who spread channels do not pay - says the company president Luca Balestrieri - And it is absolutely complementary to digital terrestrial. It is a duty, which comes rather late years, in France and England platforms like ours are already there. " The aim of the promoters of TivùSat is, they say in unison, Balestrieri by the Deputy Director General of RAI Giancarlo Leone, managing director at RTI-Mediaset Marco Giordani Vice President of Media-Telecom Italy La7 John Stella, of "wanting to achieve that 5 per cent of Italians, and are at least three million, who can not see all channels, without being forced to make a costly subscription to Sky. " Possible, however, it is just that? For days in the political world we are talking about a war of frequencies to Sky. Although it is true that at least for the moment both Rai and Mediaset unencrypted swear that their general networks, this one tomorrow will be possible. In addition, RAI has a contract with Sky expires in (just at the end of July) and is negotiating to renew it. Someone even said that it has already decided not to renew it at all. But Giancarlo Leone replies: "The three networks are generally not on the negotiating table, the rest of the offer Rai will be seen or not will be seen on Sky, depending on how it will end this negotiation." Mediaset things do not change for now because the agreement with Sky (for Mediaset plus) is still standing, will expire no sooner than a couple of years. "Let me be clear - Marco Giordani said of RTI-Mediaset - which we do not take a euro from Sky for our general networks, so it's wrong say that we go down by Sky because in fact we never went up. " In fact, what would he change? It may not change almost anything, and could change a lot. Those who have already bought the digital terrestrial decoder can do without to buy TivùSat, however, will see everything. Who will buy the decoder TivùSat because he has not yet bought the digital terrestrial TV will have seen everything but the dish. Anyone who has just the dish and see everything with a subscription to Sky can do for now unless you buy the decoder TivùSat but maybe tomorrow will be obliged to do so. The participants of the new company will repeat: there is no war of frequencies. But some believe little. For Paolo Gentiloni (Pd), TivùSat is "a giant outlawed because it is still a concentration of actors involved in the integrated communications system," while Antonio Di Pietro (IDV) 'is a menage a trois that serves only to bring money to Mediaset. The fact Rai waiver of € 125 million from Sky satellite platform for this. " (

Monday, June 29, 2009

Used Blaze Kings For Sale

Europa7: in these terms to risk failure

"On July 1 did not pass. We can not make a network, that is not seen in Bologna, Milan, Turin, Naples and Catania. It 'pretty ridiculous this thing, if we did fail in six months, "the disconsolate these words of Francesco Di Stefano, Patron of Europa 7, about the new guidelines on the televised and their exploitation. This Wednesday, Europa7 expected to launch their programs, after the litigation began in 1999 to obtain the frequencies assigned to regular after purchase, and yet never available, because of the persistence of Rete4 transmitted between networks on a national scale (after losing that right in '99 and have been readmitted by the Gasparri Law in 2003, by decree. The decree was later deemed illegal by the TAR of Lazio in 2004 and the European Union in 2008). "We '99 have a right to three channels, the only way to have a national network in analog. Now we claim that we, with a single frequency setting available, we have a national network. And 'something technically impossible - says angrily Di Stefano - The frequencies that belongs to us we did not, then do not start. " The entrepreneur, then questioned the long dispute over television frequencies, and political interference in this regard, he noted that it is impossible to develop its own network and regardless of exchange relationships with networks of Cologno Monzese: "In Italy, in this area , it appears that the propaganda of Mediaset decides that it should look like. I have to make a speech business. After ten years, for better or worse we can stand. If we start with these conditions is sure to fail and then let's finally happy and content Friends of Mediaset. " (Quomedia)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sprained Or Broken Ankle

DAB digital radio via the allocated channel 13

Deputy Minister of Communications, Paolo Romani, in an interview on RTL 102.5, today announced the launch and commented on the allocation of frequencies for digital radio (DAB) in Italy on Channel 13. "Since we made? After years of waiting and negotiations in some ways difficult with the Ministry of Defence - Romans said - we were able to leave channel 13, on which you will do the testing for all radios in the digital arena. " For the Romans "is a momentous step because it marks the maturity of digital radio in Italy, after years was possible only a partial activity on what the technical term is called frequency 'intercanale', which did not allow a full study. I have to thank the willingness of the Ministry of Defence and Minister of Russia, which has made it possible to leave the channel 13 for radio. " For the deputy minister is important to add to traditional analog radio what he called "the digital segment, then the public will decide how quickly to expand, the upgrade of radio equipment from the classic to the next generation." Basically this path and this update continues Paolo Romani, because "will reset the age-old and classic problem of interference, allowing each radio to transmit on one frequency on the whole Italian territory. " To listen to the product, this will mean - said the deputy minister - "a strong improvement of the quality of radio in Italy, one objective benefit to all Italian citizens." (Affaritaliani)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How To Make A Big Bmx Ramp

Idea Radio celebrates 25 years of TV

The radio station Radio Idea, now constituted as a cultural association, which celebrates 25 anni.Un milestone will be celebrated with a series of events. The first relates to the collaboration for the conclusion of the Esprit Project, experiences in close collaboration with the Municipality of Molfetta and Giovinazzo, the Arch Tresette section, the district social health No 3 of Molfetta and Bari Asl and the Community Lorusso-Cipparoli Giovinazzo. A project that has provided the opportunity for reflection not only for young people. Saturday, June 27 at 9:00 p.m. in Town Hall Square, is planned as the final act of a performance project with artists known mostly to young people as the Diambar, Sirius Aka Richard Lawson, Giusti, Anna de Palma, Gabriella Aruanno, Puni, K - ant mc. Lucia will present an evening Catacchio. Also in summer, Idea Radio will also present the eighth edition of the New Disco. A moment become a classic summer event. Other events are planned this year and provide for the award of the many collaborators of the past and present who have increased public awareness and dissemination molfettese.Il issuer will also remember those who are no longer as the founder Giacoma Galeppi who devoted much energy in the opening of this station, which although the many difficulties is a point of reference for many young people and for the city of Molfetta. (Molfettalive)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ps3 Controller Pelican Xpfor Mouse

opened the site, a company owned by RAI, Mediaset and Telecom Italy Media

Tivù is called and is the commercial company formed by the main actors of the Italian television market: Rai, Mediaset, Media and Telecom Italy. Born in Italy to develop and promote the spread of digital terrestrial television, has just put online its new site. Salvation for those who just can not find their way between the switch-off "and" switch-over between "decoder" and "smart card". On the new website at you can understand something more: you will know when it will turn off their analog signal in the province, have a complete picture of the new digital offering free of the three poles and have other Italian TV information on the new digital technology. Tivù The company will be officially presented at the European Forum on digital television, to be held in Lucca, June 19, 2009. On this occasion will be also announced a European agreement on digital terrestrial television put in place between Italy, France and Spain. For Italy, there will also be important institutions involved in the spread of new technology: the Ministry of Industry, Agcom and Freeview, the Association for the promotion of digital terrestrial television in Italy, which brings together Rai, Mediaset, Telecom Italy Media, Dfree and local TV FRT. (Tell ADG)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dell Webcam Center, No Supported Camera Detected

Sat2000 name change: it will Tv2000

With the advent of digital terrestrial, the issuer of the CEI "Sat 2000" will change its name to "TV2000" and "enter the homes of all Italians" thanks to digital terrestrial . To officially announce these two new features are the same as the Italian bishops, in the press end of the 59th General Assembly on Wednesday. In the recent episcopal-sat the statement - "has been focused on the transition to digital terrestrial television, a process already started in some regions of Italy and intended to be completed by 2012." For the Italian bishops "is a technological innovation that has important repercussions on the level of use of the tool, offering the viewer a wider range of choice of channels and the ability to interact with the television medium." The advent of digital terrestrial, relative to the activity of the Catholic, "also involve a review of its relationship with local stations - according to the IEC - who sent them again the signal and are intended to maintain and renew the relationship of mutual cooperation. "(The Future)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Network 3 Wifi Dungle

The judiciary has placed the seals plant under construction in Pianezze

The antennone Pianezze has been arrested. After discussion by council and the protests of residents, it is for the judiciary to intervene in the case of the antenna that the company is building on the hills Klasse A Valdobbiadene.La of Superintendence for the architectural and landscape in the past had already ordered the interruption of work on site to install the large antenna, but workers were not stopped. The same order of suspension had been challenged by Klasse A, which is pursuing an appeal to the TAR. More Sometimes people had reported that the work proceeded in Pianezze, police and local police had carried out continuous inspection finding men to work and the case was also brought in the Attorney comunale.Ora Board has placed the seals on the system of broadcasting in the making. The company owns dell'antennone shall be liable for failure to stop work.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bmi Database For Females From Another Country

Free Radio, 70s

It is titled "Free!" and is a fine essay that tells the story of the Italian radio, which transmitted over the channels for the first Rai. The book and the signing Stephen Dark just came out for the alternative press publishing - the new equilibrium price of 15 €. Why broadcasters were called free and what accounted for the communication and the Italian media which you can tell just by reading about 200 pages of this comprehensive analysis. And compared to the Italian radio and location of each color is also incorporated concepts such as "counter", "participation" and "Seventy-seven." A composite history and choral, nourished by so many names and many stories as to almost feel. A complex experience that culminates in the second half of the seventies of last century and can be viewed from many points of view. First of all the value of the new "freedom" to broadcast.
This essay is like a journey in stages: it starts from the birth of radio in Italy and its features and statist monopoly, typical of European broadcasting. It is fast through fascism, war and reconstruction to achieve the early successes that mark a season of rejuvenation for Rai (For you young people, Yellow Flag, Supersonic, Hit Parade, and high grade). Already, the state broadcaster's model - mom Rai - and its limits more and more evident to everyone, especially the younger, soon after actor. Limits on both the contents and forms, for example with the terrible censorship and a veto on the dedications on the air.
also reading "Free!" we discover that the American private broadcasters remote and less remote antennas European trade, including the legendary pirate radio, have characterized a light style and unique blend of music and words. Emerges as finely have influenced the different currents of thought which proposes to overcome the monopoly of Radio Rai seventies. And all, like a novel, flows contained in a climate protesting with many reflections on the political, social and cultural. The technological breakthrough, with the transistor radio, cheap discs and the new FM stereo, and the laws (and a landmark ruling by the Constitutional Court in '76) encircle the boom of free radio, and private premises. They are the so-called "hundred flowers", ie those radio from 1975 to 1980 were broadcast around forever revolutionizing the soundscape Italian. It was a unique case compared to the rest of Europe for the daring and aggressive ways in which they arrived to the liberalization of the airwaves. Pluralism and a mixed system of competition have in fact imposed. The policy does not even govern them saputi. Listened to a radio revolution in the languages \u200b\u200bthat he approached the people and their needs. A policy and a little surprised 'liability, as many listeners of the new radios. But not always, thankfully, left to right.

This story full of documentation and evidence that some illegal immigrants from isolated experiments, declines the early pioneers to the microphone and lists a series of antennas and voices that are woven throughout the text. We are committed to radio and evasion, religious stations and antennas of service that are seeking to raise the fortunes of local communities of the Italian boot, in the cities of Milan and Rome as well as in the realities of the province. Readers encounter the use of direct abuse of the telephone, the spectacle of football, dialects, to challenge and eros. And again, the far west of the ether, the self-managed and poorly funded programs and even the role of radio in the earthquake zone (sadly now, in 2009, after the earthquake in the Abruzzi). To consider the paragraph with the names of the pleasant weather radio and the characters, as well as useful "index of radio" at the end of the book provides quick reference information on hundreds issuers mentioned. More than thirty years, very few seem to those who resist. But all have left at least some trace.
lovers of Radio, here served.

new balance, Stefano Dark Necklace Sconcerto

208 pp. € 15

(Jade Martinucci - EuMagazine)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ezio's Hidden Blade For Sale


183 hours on the radio, without sleep.
and the Guinness' was reached by DJ Stefano Venneri. The 35 year-old Alexandria Radio BBSI and 'entered the world history, for having "destroyed" the previous record of 169 hours of a German DJ. The radio marathon, supported by Venneri May 16 to 23, and 'was also a good purpose: they are collected funds and various materials for the reconstruction of Eagle Radio 1 hit by the quake. The Alexandrian dj has not only restored the lead, but probably even cleared the hope of many DJs, taking the new record to a considerable distance. But they were not 'new to this kind of primates: the former were divided into 125 hours to the microphones in 2009, 135 hours on the radio in 2007, 865 hugs in 21 minutes in 2008, the first DJ upside down' to 20 meters high for 15 minutes. Supported by thousands of people and personally in the studio by Fargetta, known DJ on Radio Deejay, Venneri and 'therefore remained at the microphones for 183 hours of BBSI. The previous record was set only a few months ago by the German DJ who now had to make room all'alessandrino. (AGI)

Monday, May 11, 2009

English Fire Emblem Sword Of Seals Rom

closed in Cilento

Soldiers of Brigade M. Camerota have discovered a totally unfair for the radio which have been seized all radio equipment and a wealth of musical material reproduced illegally. For days, the Flames Yellow h/24 were monitoring the radio broadcasts, aired without the required authorization for the exercise of radio broadcasting. The radio broadcast undisturbed by two stations located in the municipalities of Camerota, Sant'Antonio, and Stella Cilento, Monte Stella, without a license issued by the Ministry of Communications. The intervention financiers, supported by the inspectors of the service of anti-piracy SIAE Rome and Naples, has allowed the seizure of computer equipment containing more than 5,000 music files, many magnetic and optical, as well as transmitters, antennas, consoles and about 500 music CDs reproduced illegally and without the SIAE. The legal representative of the radio station was referred to the appropriate legal authorities for violation of legislation on broadcasting and the protection of copyright and other rights related to the exercise. The activity of the yellow flame will continue to determine whether a violation of fiscal evasion and to quantify in relation to direct taxes, VAT, as well as the resulting royalties.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Marilyn Monroe In The Bathroom

No-stop 180 hours to help Eagle Radio

An example, perhaps the most striking comes from Piedmont. A DJ, in fact, has decided to work 180 hours in a row on the radio, without closing one eye, followed by technicians and physicians to view. The unusual record, which stated aim of a DJ for Radio BBSI in Alexandria, not new to this type of special effects, it is also an initiative also aimed to pèerseguir Euno purpose of solidarity, specifically in support of Eagle Radio, heavily damaged by the earthquake. Stefano Venneri, 35, of Alexandria, has entered three times in the Guinness World after becoming the first to broadcast upside down on a crane. Now a new challenge that will start at 6.00 on 16 May on Radio BBSI Alexandria. "I have already been contacted singers, friends, relatives, Alexandrian and even his little girl of 2 years ... - Lets you know the station - for live links and more, in Guinness aid operation. " These are some of the records already achieved by Venneri: 125 hours without sleep to the microphones of BBSI in 2006, a 135 hours in 2007, 865 hugs in 21 minutes in 2008, head 15 minutes down to 20 meters high on a crane playing records in 2008. He trains, says the dj record, reading the book "Healing without sleep," because few hours of sleep improve your life. An example of how solidarity and Reunification and all its resources, now in difficulty, both in the round, full, honest and, above all, penetrated into the hearts of all Italians, have all agreed to make a contribution, small or large, professional, voluntary or dramatic, as in this case, but always witness the full involvement of everyone.

Friday, May 1, 2009

State Wrestling Singlets

Naples, electro danger with the TV antenna of the popular U.S. forces

antenna with very high environmental impact that the American Forces Network - AFN (the network broadcasting the U.S. armed forces living abroad), installed on the old walls of the Monastery of Camaldolesi of Naples. The transmitter is a source of pollution electromagnetic and the Italian authorities could impose the blackout in the coming days. "The TV system for our military can no longer operate in the Naples area, unless the Italian environmental authorities do not provide a written authorization to use a new transmission site and replace the existing one which has to be dismantled," said the newspaper Stars and Stripes, Major Tom Bryant, the operations commander of the American Forces Network in Italy. "The new facilities have already been tested and everything is within legal limits, but we have not yet received permission. Unknown reason for this delay. Would have been better had received a negative response, at least we would know how to behave in the future. "

The rent for the use of the transmitter is located on Hill Camaldoli expired last year, but the U.S. military has obtained an extension of nine months. Tuesday, April 29 is the deadline to dismantle the plant and transfer it elsewhere. According to the U.S. Command in Naples-Capodichino airport, the AFN would negotiate a deal with RAI to use a booster of his property that always arises on the Hill Camaldoli but outside the monastery. Only it is necessary to start broadcasting a series of permissions not yet granted.

"The AFN received approval by the Ministry of Communications - Bryan says the biggest - but we're still waiting for the Regional Centre of Electromagnetic Pollution. " According to U.S. official, both the RAI that the environmental agency of the Campania region have carried out tests which prove that "the signals AFN Italians meet the standards for electromagnetic radiation" and denied that there were never problems of environmental other plants of the American Forces Network in Italy. Untrue statement: U.S. officials have admitted the existence of a dispute with the Italian authorities for the AFN Vicenza repeater that broadcasts in 107 FM. In our country, the broadcaster of the U.S. military is currently using 24 transmitters and 60 are found throughout southern Europe and the Mediterranean.

that the plant AFN Naples is a dangerous source of electromagnetic pollution is not new. Following the survey carried out electrosmog dall'ISPELS (National Institute of Occupational Safety) and Asl, March 30, 2001 the magistrates of the Public Prosecutor of Naples ordered the preventive seizure of two TV masts of the U.S. military, ordering the cessation transmissions. According to Legambiente, emission monitoring antenna installed in the Monastery of Camaldolesi, noted intensity at the time of the electrical component of 330 volts / meter against the maximum limit of 6 volts / meter. Levels of electromagnetic pollution thirty times greater than the safety standard were recorded within the premises instead of the convent of the Brigidine Sisters Camaldolesi hosting. Because electrosmog, during the blitz of the prosecutor were also seized and blocked ten repeater radio stations and television channels (including radio and Radical Radio Monte Carlo).

Just a week ago, control of Naples State Forestry Corps has seized the facilities of three radio stations and a television station present on the Hill Camaldoli. One of the three radio would proved entirely unwarranted, while the other two, while using authorized frequencies, they should work elsewhere (a Camaldolilli). The antennas would be without permission and clearance in urban landscape and environment. The installation is situated within the "Metropolitan Park Hills Naples, established by the Campania Region in 2004, while the same area in Hill Camaldoli impact SCI (Sites of Community Importance), the protection of which fall within ' context of the network "Natura 2000". Nevertheless, it continues to be dominated by a forest of masts and antennae for transmission. (Antonio Mazzeo / Bread and roses)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Does Chi Chi Really Love Goku?

RADIO ADAMELLO CLOSE 'broadcasting on April 30

The April 30, 2009 Adamello Radio broadcasts will cease. The editor, Victor Marniga, concluded a trade agreement with an editorial Lombardy, which includes Radio Number One.
Born in a summer day in 1978, the issuer has been a reference point for music and information, in an area that includes the province of Sondrio, the Alto Lario, Valcamonica and Sebino . The idea came to a group of friends, time enough for a transmitter, a microphone and records. In the early years there were no professional set: the animators also address aspects technical, commercial and bureaucratic. The relationship with the audience was direct: the listeners took part in the choice of music with dedications and requests, phone calls, site visits. The evenings in nightclubs in the area made it possible to weave a personal relationship and the playful spirit prevailed over the business.

Since the nineties, after the regulation of Law on, Radio Adamello has acquired a corporate structure, with an administrative area, the expansion of trade, management of music and information programming, personnel, external relations through the use of new technologies. In 2003, the transmission over the air has been supported in the Internet, streaming audio. The site for years has published news, classified ads, charts, photos, information. In the forum has found a virtual community space. The approaches have reached peaks of over a thousand unique visitors daily, with tens of thousands of page views per month (data Shinystat). For the average daily audience, up to more than 50,000 listeners (Audiradio data).

items passed in front of the microphones are so many of the issuer. Some have continued in large national networks, others have chosen different paths. The soul of Radio Adamello, in memory of the public, however, is that of Mario Cervi. In 1978 Cremona was a boy of twenty years in service military Edolo. He started as a joke for the disks and discovered his talent for the job. Mario knew how to entertain with anecdotes about his life, friends, Inter, the call of the fawn in love with the mother's lasagna Tullia. It 'disappeared New Year's Eve 2001 in Bormio, while he was performing his work with the public until the end.

Each summer the Adamello Radio Tour has reached the streets of towns and cities in the area of \u200b\u200blistening, a party with DJ music, entertainment, dancers and girls image, singers, guests, sound engineers and lighting . As for broadcasting, Radio Adamello has maintained a musical program by radio hit, with major national and international successes, artist interviews, not to mention the new and independent groups. For information, a newsletter of the local news every hour and a magazine in the evening band. The April 30th is the last day of transmission.

The last wave will be those entries in by Chris Header, Nadia Biasini, Venanzio Calzaferri, Fabrizio Costa, Max apples, Norberto Mentana and Daniela Rossi. Together with the publisher, Vittorio Marniga, the administrative secretary Marina agent Stephen Root and Savardi thank all the people who in recent years have helped make Radio Adamello a significant player in its territory, especially the public of listeners, without which the radio had no reason to exist.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Average Proce For A Cwd Saddle

Radio DJ spends 169 hours to the microphone

a radio DJ from Lower Saxony (Germany) has marked a new world record of the run, spending 169 hours to the microphone. It 's a conductor of Hit Radio Antenne, the issuer of Hannover, capital of the state. Dominik Schollmayer, 26, began his marathon on March 30 morning, and left only the microphone today at 7.01. After 6 days of the start of the marathon, the tenant had already 'broke the record marked by an Italian, Stefano Venneri (135 hours). (ANSA)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Paneras Hazelnut Coffee

Channel Italy, TV Lucio Garbo points to leap

Part of the "new" Channel Italy. The national broadcaster Lucio Garbo, after heavy investment in land cover, renew now the contents of the schedule, which will be presented at a press conference in Milan Wednesday, April 8. But the leap of the former TV Serenissima, the objectives of his editor (who was one of the other advisor when he was Minister Maurizio Gasparri of Telecommunications), and partly from advertising. And 'in fact, the recent establishment of the dealership Advertising Italy, which sees between members Openspace (the concession of the radio network RTL 102.5) and the Club of Santa Chiara Carlo Giovannelli.E Meanwhile, the journalists protesting against cuts to staff: "Can not guarantee a product up to the demands of the viewers "I Italy Channel journalists, the television station that broadcasts on a national scale, based in Padova, sounding the alarm about the staff cuts that affected the wording in the last month and appealed to institutions and policy to intervene in support of journalistic work. "The editors of Channel Italy - said in a statement released by the editorial staff - announced that, although this has been brought to the Editor, the systematic reduction of the journalistic staff in recent months has created a level of workload that can not provide a product equal to the demands of viewers. Despite the availability of the entire body of drafting to meet the needs business we found ourselves faced with an untenable state of affairs at the time. The situation is all the more surprising in the face of substantial investment, the extension of the schedule, the new national advertising agency announced by Channel Italy. For this reason, the journalists of declaring a state of agitation and reserve, hoping for a serious confrontation with the publisher, further action to protect their professional dignity and citizens who are entitled to accurate information. In this respect - the statement concludes - we also ask the intervention of the institutions and all political parties, the experienced commitment, seriousness and balance of writing. " (Business Italian)

Friday, March 20, 2009

What Does The Red Flower Pin Symbolize

Tivù ': spot familiar faces with Rai and Mediaset

For the first time all the famous faces from the world of television RAI and Mediaset, gathered to promote the new free Italian television. It arrives tomorrow on all national and local broadcasters the spot of the new free offer of TV, 'the company' owned by Rai (48.25%), Mediaset (48.25%), Media and Telecom Italy (3.5% ). (Italian Stock Exchange)

Cervix Position Before Period?

Already many problems with Dahlia

Instead of playing, an hourglass. This violates the show that many fans have seen in the last two league games, Inter and Palermo. This news caused the greatest change of ownership by LA7 TV in Dahlia. Already able to talk to Dahlia is an operator, which becomes impossible in the days of the championship. Once you can, things do not necessarily suggest that solve the problem. Since the reinstallation of the updating of the channel decoder. If the hourglass remains, turn off the receiver, disconnect the antenna and restart the TV. In reality, the invitation to customers is the replacement of Cartapiù with Dahlia Card, free for three months. (The Nation)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Floating Arm Trebuchet Simulation

tv television debut in Rome in 3D

3D satellite TV will be presented today, the first satellite channel in three dimensions. The first compatible handsets will be sold in six months already.

On 19 March, Sat Expo Europe opens in Rome, an event dedicated technologies and applications for space and telecommunications, one of its protagonists - President promises of SAT Expo, Paolo Dalla Chiara - will be the three-dimensional television.

is not a project that concerns the distant future: between September and October have already hit the market the devices needed to qualify for the new 3D technology as satellite TV debut, the first television channel to broadcast in 3D.

"You can see the movie or the game in three dimensions. And all this from home. Just equip a high-definition TV and a cable box and you're done," said Dalla Chiara, who is convinced that we will a revolution "is already Clearly this is a new language, a change comparable to the transition from silent to sound cinema. "

During the Roman event will already be possible to attend the screening of a video in 3D on the launch of GOCE satellite while you are already experiencing the shooting and broadcasting live 3D events. (Zeus News)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Nipple Piercing Vedios

Radio 19, the issuing of the newspaper Liguria, Genoa acquires Radio Sound to enhance the signal

Radio 19, the issuer of the Genoa newspaper Il Secolo XIX, acquired by Augustine Biamonti for more than a million euro and the five licensed Radio-Frequency Sound Genoa, Liguria radio history started in 1976. The law is on the Italian public. The aim of the issuer, born in 2006, is to strengthen its signal in between Varazze and Tigullio, while it is uncertain the fate of the mark Genova Sound, well known in Genoa (he was the first broadcaster to operate in the region), and its concession could be used for a second local station or the group assigned to another publisher. (Business Italian)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Masterbait With Coconut Oil

Happened March 10 ... Here Come the radios

is March 10, 1975 when a room in Milan's Via Locatelli, to a nothing to Piazza della Repubblica and within walking distance from Central Station, Radio Milano International was founded, the first Italian free radio. First a hum, then a dead carrier, and finally a piece of crumbling urban stranger burst into the ether that the state broadcasting monopoly. Three young boys, without even realizing it, kick off the era of free radio stations, a major social and cultural revolutions of the '70s.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Watch Taken Free Online

Dahlia, the new pay TV La7 that loves playing hard

not just a question of who migrates Fiorello on Sky. Today more than ever, competition in the world of TV is getting fierce. And at this time, the digital terrestrial platform, spreads the smell of new fragrance Nordic: TV Dahlia has blossomed, and the name must not mislead flower, is a bouquet of pay channels almost exclusively for men, and put its fresh roots in the ashes of more La7 card, pay TV of Telecom Italy.
recap: the end of 2008 Telecom Italy is out of the market of digital Aptv selling land, the business unit that managed the pay TV (ie the package La7 card more), the Swedish group Airplus Tv The agreement provides that Telecom's guests on the Swedish band digital pay TV. In practice, last Saturday, instead of more La7 Charter is Dahlia. And Dahlia integrates the offerings of its predecessor (ie lots of Fiorentina, Palermo, Sampdoria, Catania, Cagliari, Udinese, Siena, Bologna, Lecce and goals of the match and series B) offer more specific.
Currently, there are four "petals" but the offer is expected to grow. It begins with Dahlia Football 1, 2, 3, 4, four channels dedicated to precisely match ball. Then there's the Sports channel Dahlia: in addition to updates on the series A and in-depth sections on various disciplines, you can follow the world championship boxing, the Volvo Ocean Race sailing event, the Nascar racing (as told in the film animated cars) and, again, all the rugby. But sport, you know, is no longer sufficient, given the competition. Therefore, among the full-bodied bouquet Mediaset Premium, Network A and the free channels Rai, the Airplus is also focusing on the combination of emotions (strong) and sex (weak). Here is Dahlia
Extreme sport reserved for 'hard' and unpublished, as Slamball, a kind of acrobatic basketball with athletes who jump from diving boards; still, martial arts, wrestling documentaries and high-voltage style Reality Tv And of course, Dahlia Eros: parade sexy Italian comedies '70s, the series in Italy as an erotic novel The Story of O, and real porn movies . All controlled by a parental control that is a mechanism that makes the adult channels inaccessible to children. The smart-card costs 29 €: the packages offered allow you access to all the "petals" are different only for the duration. Those who opt for an annual subscription by May 31 will find it at € 10 per month instead of 15. Cartapiù Customers can take advantage of their packages for the duration and will bring benefits to switch to the new Dahlia able to Tv conquer the Italian male? He will take up in families or be a "reserve" for singles? Airplus who has experience in the digital market - has already led to the success of the Swedish Boxer pay TV, and in announcing the Finnish and English - television sits in the corner of the ring, and fight your match: how do you say, wait trust with the sound of the gong. And Auditel. (The

Monday, March 9, 2009

High Cervix 2 Before Period

closes Bloomberg TV versions and International Releases Version

Bloomberg Television has closed all international versions of its channel including the Italian admissible on Sky Channel 504. Versions Italy, Germany, France, Spain have been deleted to launch Bloomberg Europe, one version of the channel throughout Europe, which broadcast inglese.Il language channel is already active and transmits in clear from Astra and Hotbird. This cut was caused by the severe economic crisis that is going through Bloomberg TV. This will allow the company to balance the cost even if it has been replaced by more than 100 employees.