Tarlessa, Lauco, UD
place name register ( The New Pirona ).
• → Òdries .
Pirona GA (1988): 1498.
in the flesh. • For DC
Desinan Odries derives from Lautre 'Pool' with deglutinazione. → Làudrias .
Desinan CC (2001): 45.
Friulano Os of .
For RUPES Osope Tuas (550 ac), Osupum [...] in Osopo Castro (760), de Usopp (807).
• The pre-Roman origin, from a possible "root" [ie.] * os, * os-is 'ash'. For
JB Trumper, MT Vigolo be connected with a base fitonimica celt. * os-(n)- [ie. * ōs , * ōs-i-s , * os-en- in J. Pokorny; cfr. il gall. onno- , il cimr. e br. onn ‘frassino’ < * osnā ].
C. Marcato (1990); G. A. Pirona (1988): 1499; G. Frau (1978); J. B. Trumper, M. T. Vigolo (1998): 225; J. Pokorny (2005); X. Delamarre (2008): 241.
Priuso, Socchieve, UD
Penòn , bosco.
• Per C. C. Desinan, da penno ‘testa’ [gall. penno- ‘testa, end '].
Desinan CC (2001): 47, X. Delamarre (2008): 248.
Trasaghis, UD
Peònas , Peonis ; name used 'in some proverbial phrases with reference to sleep "(The New Pirona ).
comunitates Curnin, Peglionis (1267).
• For DC Desinan Peonis means 'river of grazing' [from onno 'brook, stream', or the suff. -on, one- common to lat. and celt.; cf. But the ego. Maron ]. "Of obscure origin" according to G. Frau.
may be traced to the source NP celt. which Pelius , Pellius , Pelionus from gall. Pel (l) i-, cf. the CIMR. corn. br. pell 'far'.
G. Frau (1978); Desinan CC (2001): 46; Pirona GA (1988): 730-1, 1503; X. Delamarre (2007); X. Delamarre (2008): 246-7.
bit. and oo.
Ovaro, UD
Even Brencis and Prènces .
• According to CC Desinan, Prencis derives from Prenn [gall. Prenn- 'tree'] 'big tree trunk'.
could be traced back to a * Prenn (i) cus \u0026lt; Prenn-, prinno- 'tree', cf. the name Prenicus Mgr → Pernecco, Pizzo (Serra Riccò, GE).
Desinan CC (2001): 47, X. Delamarre (2008): 251.
Villa Santina and Paularo, UD
Rio. Friuli. Radim .
• For DC Desinan by ratis [gall. ratis ] 'fern' or rate 'embankment' [gall. rate , ratis 'wall, embankment> strong']. Perhaps
Radim reflects a * Ratimus from rate , ratis with suff. Derivative -IMO-.
Pirona GA (1988): 1510; Desinan CC (2001): 47; Delamarre (2008): 253.
Arta Terme, UD
Rio. Friuli. Radine . • For DC
Desinan by ratis [gall. ratis ] 'fern' or rate 'embankment' [gall. rate , ratis 'wall, embankment> strong'].
Radina can perhaps be attributed to the NP of Celtic origin. Ratinus from rate , ratis (with suff. -ino-?).
Pirona GA (1988): 1510; Desinan CC (2001): 47, X. Delamarre (2007); Delamarre (2008): 253.
Friul. Ruvìgne , Ruìgne .
super instat aquis Reunia Tiliamenti (500 d.C. c.a, in Venanzio Fortunato, Vita sancti Martini , IV, 655), per fluenta Tiliamenti et Reunam , in Reunia castro (Paolo Diacono, II, 13), Regunia (1000 c.a), de Rigugna [...] in villa Ruigne (1204).
• Di origine «ancora non chiarita». Forse dal NP lat. Ragonius (D. Olivieri). Oppure formato con la radice preromana * re- [?], individuabile soprattutto in idronimi e «relativa a presenza di acque» (Maybe it was Reunite first name designating the mountains and surrounding hills, and then "the sum of the settlement).
According to X. Delamarre, Ragonius , Ragona, anthroponyms celt. but not documented in Gaul, can be analyzed as * supposedly Ro-me-gon- 'Big Family', by ra- , re- \u0026lt; -ro 'a lot, too' (with adjectives) and 'big' (with nouns) [ie. * (p) ro- 'front'] + gon (n) - 'family' + suff. -I- (see among others, the NP- In gonius ). The original form, therefore, could have been * Regunia .
C. Marcato (1990); Pirona GA (1988): 1512; G. Frau (1978); X. Delamarre (2007); Delamarre (2008): 260-1.
Arta Terme, UD
Rio. Friuli. Rand is . • According to CC
Desinan from mainsail 'border' [gall. Aranda 'limit, border', testified almost exclusively of compound nouns].
Pirona GA (1988): 1510; CC Desinan (2001): 47; J. Lacroix (2003): 38 ff.; Delamarre (2008): 163-4.
Tramonti di Sopra, PN
• For DC Desinan by ritu 'ford' + the suff. -ona . See, however, the NNP of origin gall. Raed and Redonius from redo- 'go cart', and Teon. Ritona from gall-ritu- *, * rite- 'race' (root * Reth- \u0026lt;ie. r̥thu- *) rather than * ritu-'ford, crossing ' (\u0026lt;IE. * pr̥tu-).
"of unknown origin" according to G. Frau, perhaps to be connected to pre-Roman * o * reda item 'stream', 'path, track', which also dates back idron. REGHENA (PN, VE). See Rea (PV) Rea (VI) el'idron. Redone (BS, MN). According
JB Trumper, MT Vigouroux, be compared with the gall. R Ig-ant-on-a 'Great Queen' \u0026lt;ie. reg- 'King'.
G. Frau (1978); Desinan CC (2001): 47, X. Delamarre (2007); X. Delamarre (2008): 254-5, 258-9; JB Trumper, MT Vigouroux (1998): 225.
Forni di Sopra, UD
• For DC Desinan by ritu 'ford' + the suff. -ona . See, however Redona .
Desinan CC (2001): 47.
Ampezzo, UD; Zoppola, PN
• For DC Desinan by rhino 'source', reno 'river'. See the name Cadore rin 'river, stream', from the gall. * rhino- \u0026lt;* reino- \u0026lt;ie. * rei-'flow' (I →. Rin , Lozzo di Cadore, BL and S. Pietro di Cadore, BL).
Desinan CC (2001): 47; GB Pellegrini (1987): 109; GB Pellegrini (1990b): 120, 369; X. Delamarre (2008): 256.
Paularo, UD
• For DC Desinan by roud [gall. roud-> rod-, Rud- ] 'red' + the suff. - eia > -and, in this other place names, not only from Friuli (the ground, Rude, is "brown-purple).
Desinan CC (2001): 47, X. Delamarre (2007); X. Delamarre (2008): 262.
Caneva, PN
Friuli. Saronis . • According to CC
Desinan be interpreted as 'long river', from the Syrian [gall. * syros ] 'long' + the suff. gall. -on- or base onno - cf. the ego. Maron - a serological -i-> -a- beside r, 'normal in Friuli "(Long Valley a opens Sarone ).
but might come from the root ie. (Perhaps the 'old Europe ") * ser-' flow ', cf. the ego. Siron .
Desinan CC (2001): 47-8; GB Pellegrini (1990b): 368; Pirona GA (1988): 1515; X. Delamarre (2008): 275.
Sagrado, GO
Friuli. Sdràussine . Today Poggio Third Army. • For DC
Desinan Sdraussina is due to an entry Dras' alder '[* Draus ?], With s-' in addition Slavic mouth. " From
prelat. * Draus result in items alpine designates'ontano '(green or white) from Piedmont, Lombardy Drosa , the Fassa dròusa and others (REW ; M. Cortelazzo, C. Marcato). P.-H. Billy ( Atlas Linguae Gallicae , Hildesheim, 1995) rather than * think Draus 'green alder' is a voice gallica. See also, however, the NNP of Celtic origin. Draus and Con-draussius , a base- Draus.
Pirona GA (1988): 1516; Desinan CC (2001): 44; M. Cortelazzo, C. Marcato (2005), sv Drosa , X. Delamarre (2007).
City Carnia counted by Pliny (NH , III, 131) among the missing oppida Venetia : Interisti former [...] [...] carnis et Ochre Segesta. •
probable origin of place name ie. Presumably celt. (Gallo-Carnian), which - like the Segesta Liguria (Sestri Levante → , GE) - apparently formed by the root-* saws 'win' with the suffix-es-to- . According
G. Frau, could identify with Sezza , fraction of Zuglio : it is possible - GB Pellegrini recalls - "-g- that has been dropped and that -st- is passed to -ts- (evolution gallica ). "
However, exclude such correspondence Desinan CC, "especially for geographical reasons," while GB Pellegrini Sezza may also depend on the late-lat. setius , from which the Italian a. sezz 'last'.
GB Pellegrini (1991): 72-3; Desinan CC (2001): 47; Prosdocimi AL (1988): 410; L. Bosio (1991): 183; X. Delamarre (2008): 268-9.
Palazzolo, UD
Channel. • According to CC
Desinan from gall. Syrian [* syros ] 'long' with 'open of the in and in normal [...] in Friulian ', cf. But the idron. Siron .
Desinan CC (2001): 47-8.
Mortlake, UD
• To Desinan DC would be formed by the gall. Syrian [* syros ] 'long' + the suff. gall. -on- or "the base onno 'watercourse'" cf. the idron. Maron and NP of origin celt. as Sirus, Siro (And perhaps Sironius ), to the. irl. Sir 'long lasting' and CIMR, corn., Br. hir 'long'. Do not disregard
depends on the root ie. (Attributed to the 'old Europe ") * ser-' scroll ', which seems to have produced, among others, the hydronyms Serio and Siron (VI). One can perhaps suggest to Siron evolution Serion * (e) > * Siron (s) .
You may also take into account the radical hydronyms celt. * sti-r-, from which J. Lacroix thinks possan derive theonym Sirona hydronyms and French which Sereine , Serene , Sirène , Séronne (see Saronno, VA).
C. Marcato (1990), s. vv. Serio, Sirone ; Desinan CC (2001): 47-8; GB Pellegrini (1990b): 368; X. Delamarre (2007); X. Delamarre (2008): 275; J. Lacroix (2007): 175-80.
Friuli. Tajamènt , Tilimènt .
• → I. Tagliamento (Veneto, Friuli).
Pirona GA (1988): 1519.
Talmi, Monte
Rigolato, UD
• For DC Desinan voice might come from a gall. talamun 'Earth' with 'vanishes in the unstressed. " See Talmassons .
Desinan CC (2001): 48; Pirona GA (1988): 1519.
Moimacco, UD
• CC Desinan him back to a gall. talamun 'Earth' with 'disappears to the unstressed. " See Talmassons .
Desinan CC (2001): 48.
Attimis, UD
• Perhaps the NP lat. Talmasus , Talmasius . See Talmassons .
Pirona GA (1988): 1519.
Fontanafredda, PN
• → Talmassons .
Pirona GA (1988): 1519.
Brugnera, PN; Fontanafredda, PN
• CFR. Talmassòns .
Pirona GA (1988): 1519; Desinan CC (2001): 48.
Comegliàns, UD
• CFR. Talmassòns .
Pirona GA (1988): 1519.
yes. UD
Friul. Talmassóns .
usque ad Talmasones (1174), Talmassons (1278).
• According to CC Desinan can perhaps be traced back to a voice gall. talamun 'earth' [ talu-, Talamon- 'face, surface'], with syncope of unstressed to . For
G. But Frau "may reflect a personal Talmasius , asus -', with the addition of suff. -one, sometimes designating "a land" of el'epitesi -s, "by analogy with the many local names in Friuli -s" (C. Mark). Or come - Frau hypothesis less likely - from the Latin. job 'country house', "with the article prepositional ( in-t-al ) built." We also have a personal
Talamas stood at Padua before 1181 [1] , and in Bologna in 1261 [2] . D. Olivieri to sees this as a ipocoristico Bartolomasi , Bortolomaso , variant Bartholomew. But Bartolomasi may be a compound of Bartolo and Maso, ipocoristico of Thomas. See also the name
Tarmassia (Isola della Scala, VR), Talamassia in 1122, Talamas in 1150 and in 1184 about [3] .
C. Marcato (1990); Pirona GA (1988): 1519; G. Frau (1978); Desinan CC (2001): 48; E. Caffarelli, C. Marcato (2008): 165; X. Delamarre (2008): 287-8.
ab aqua que dicitur The Tarvis (1399), the subjects of Travisi (1447), versus Tarvisiam (1496).
• According to C. Marked "a reminder that people of Celtic or Tauri Taurisei [to be read: Taurisci ] (from a Celtic name Tarvos 'bull', or perhaps, according to another hypothesis, a pre-Latin * taur- 'mountain'). "
is deemed to be a training-is-me- the theme gall. Taru- 'toro' (bull-and \u0026lt;ie. * tauro-), cf. in the. irl. Tarba the CIMR. Tarwi 'bull', Treviso and Turin . For a
GB Pellegrini * Taru-Isio- could also be attributed to the Veneto. It is not excluded Tarvisio is "a place name to carry over '
C. Marcato (1990); G. Frau (1978); G. B. Pellegrini (1987): 97; G. B. Pellegrini (1990b): 106; G. B. Pellegrini (1992): 416; A. L. Prosdocimi (1988): 401-2; X. Delamarre (2008): 290-1.
Treppo Carnico, UD
Friul. Tàuscie .
1275 - Domini de Cuchanea in Carnea habent villam de Tavase (Tausie) [...] duas massaritias in Tausia [in A. di Prampero (2001): 195].
• Per G. Frau si tratta di «toponimo di origine oscura».
Tausia sembra richiamare i NNP d’origine celt. Tausia , Tausius , Taus, attributable to the issue Taus- 'quiet, quiet' (ie from the root. Taus- *), where the names intervocalic s hath been retained, Unlike forms dating back to the base- tauo , that occurred from * tau (s) or-: Tavus , Tavanus , Tavonius , Tavia (idron. today Taggia , IM ) and many others.
as not to exclude results from a form * or * Tavusia Tavosia , while Tavas could see rather an original * Tavas , * Tavas (but also a possible spelling error).
Pirona GA (1988): 1519; G. Frau (1978); X. Delamarre (2007); X. Delamarre (2008): 292.
Vivaro, PN
apud tesam (1186), Tesis de (1321).
• To G. Frau consequence of 'the Friuli tense, Tiez "Tesa, artificial wood to tighten the laces or limes birds" (N. Pirona pp. 1184-1185)', which leads to the gall. Latz. * strategy 'hut'.
In fact, Tesis not seem entries associated with the Friuli Tiez , tiesa , ties, tense dependent * strategy 'hut' (see Tiezzo and Tezze sul Brenta, VI), but the Friuli stretched, a term corresponding to the Italian tense, past participle. noun of the verb stretch, with the value of 'the brim of the networks (for birds)'.
G. Frau (1978); GB Pellegrini (1990b): 209; Pirona GA (1988): 1184-5, 1519; M. Cortelazzo, P. Zolli (1979-1988), sv tend , X. Delamarre (2008): 59-60.
Azzano Decimo, PN
de Tetio (1403).
• Associate of G. Frau the name Tesis , is attributable to the Friuli Tiez 'shed, rustic construction low', the gall. * strategy 'hut', rather than aimed at Friuli 'tense'. See Tesis .
G. Frau (1978); Pirona GA (1988): 1188; X. Delamarre (2008): 59-60.
Paluzza, UD
Friuli. Tamàu .
Thomae (1284), in villa de Thamau de Carnea (1366).
• G. Frau associated Timau all'idron. Timavo ; Desinan for DC derived from a " tim 'pool, puddle'."
Pirona GA (1988): 1519; G. Frau (1978); Desinan CC (2001): 48.
Friuli. Timâf .
Fontem overcome Timavi (Virgil, Aen . , I, 244), Τίμαουον (Tímaouon) (Strabo, V, 215), amnis Timavus (Pliny, NH , III, 127), Temavo (enrollment ) Timavi (Jan., 799).
• From lat. Timāvus ( Temavus in inscriptions), according to G. Frau "by a pre-Roman base * tem- * tim- 'water', or 'sea', or the like" (CC Desinan stands " tim 'pool, puddle' 'cause of Timau ) + a suff. hydronyms -AUO-. For
F. Crevatin goes back to "a root * tem / tim which is generally believed to coincide with the axis. * tem (a) - 'dark', cf. perhaps the idron. dace Timachus [today Timok ] Alternatively, according to WP Schmid, may be associated with "Jerusalem". ind. timy "being" wet. "
In fact, from the root ie. * tem (ə) - 'darkness' come (also) celt items. such as a. irl. tem 'dark', middle, br. teffal , to the. CIMR. timuil 'obscure' (from Brythonic * Temel-).
AL Prosdocimi note, however: "Comparison and affinities are uncertain and not explain anything."
X. Delamarre then returns a theonym Temavus (Aquileia), analyzed as * fear-u- - perhaps you * (p) and s-mu- 'fervor' (ie from the root. * toe- 'heat ') -, formed on a gall. * tem- ( -u,-us- ). A Possoni this is also attributed to the NP Temus and theonym Temus (DEAE Temusioni ; St.-Marcel-les-Chalon), che forse dipende Invece un theme has * es 'oscuro'.
G. Frau (1978); Desinan CC (2001): 48; GB Pellegrini (1987): 74; F. Crevatin (1991): 69-70; J. Pokorny (2005): 1063-4; J. Vendryes (1959 -), sv has ; Prosdócimo AL (1988): 393; X. Delamarre (2007), X. Delamarre (2008): 293-4; N. Jufer, Th Luginbühl (2001): 66.
Friuli. Tôr , slovenia Have .
Natis cum Turro (Pliny, NH, III, 126); Turrim (1275), in derogation [ roya ] Turris (1278).
• "Of obscure origin 'for G. Frau.
AL Prosdocimi assumed "in a local form-is \u0026lt; -i-s + " based * tur- (possibly Celtic), ie an original * Turris, compared For example, with the idron. a. " Silis \u0026lt; Selio + s 'current Sile.
may attributable to the self. * turo- 'strong, bloated', from which the gall. * turo- identified by X. Delamarre in NP of origin celt. which Turos , Turus , Turicus , Turonus and nell'etn. Turi [ Turri in Pliny, NH , III, 47], to which names can be added to the idron. Turia, Turium (current Guadalaviar -Turia), the Poleon. Turicum (> Zürich 'Zurich') and perhaps also anthroponyms Turrini, Turrach , Turranio . From
exclude a derivation from a base * tur-linked by GR Isaac the gall. * round- 'offshore?', The ego. * tur ( H) -no-\u0026lt;* t u Erh- 'contain, enclose', base proposed by A. Falileyev for place names Turiaso (Tarazona, Spain), Turissa (Tossa de Mar, Spain), Turicum (Zurich) and ethnicity. Turoni (Tacitus, Ann . , III, 41).
C. Marcato (1990); Pirona GA (1988): 1519; Prosdocimi AL (1988): 394; J. Pokorny (2005): 1083, 1101, J. Lacroix (2003): 176-7; X. Delamarre (2007); A. Holder (1961-1962), col. 1997; A. Falileyev (2007).
Friuli. Traves.
de Treveis (1174), de Travegias (1186), de Traveis (1196).
• G. Frau presupposes Travesio a lat. " intra vias 'the streets'."
CC Desinan sees instead an older * Tarves derived - via metathesis produced by r and outcome the > and in suff. -is- - from an original form * Tarvisio- [→ Tarvisio ], due to a celt. Tarvos , taur 'bull' [gall. (And / or Venetian) Taru-]. Alternatively, associates it with the 'lemma' treb 'housing, settle' [base gall. treb-'house', cf. Trebil ]. See also the name
Travecy (Aisne), Travatiacum / Travasiacum 824-827, Traveci in 1133, probably trav-metathesis \u0026lt; Tarvo-.
C. Marcato (1990); Pirona GA (1988): 1520; G. Frau (1978); Desinan CC (2001): 48; X. Delamarre (2008): 290-1, 300, J. Lacroix (2007): 127.
Andreis, PN
• For DC Desinan Travois derive from the word celt. treb 'housing, settle' [gall. treb-'house', cf. Travesio and Trebil ].
Desinan CC (2001): 48; X. Delamarre (2008): 300.
Ovaro, UD
• Trebil Desinan is brought back from DC - which excludes Slavism could be one [it is instead Tribil (Streatham, UD), by a voice Slovenian meaning 'clearing'] - a lemma celt. treb 'housing, settle'. See base gall. -treb 'dwelling', to the. irl. treb 'dwelling' and A. br. treb 'dwelling place'.
Desinan CC (2001): 48; X. Delamarre (2008): 300.
Barcis, UD
affl Torrente. Cellina.
• → me. Varmo .
Prosdocimi AL (1988): 394; GB Pellegrini (1990b): 369.
Friuli. Var.
Varămus (Pliny, NH , III, 126).
• Continue the lat. Varămus , derived, according to G. Frau, by "a basic pre-Latin * launches suffix-mo-, meaning 'water'. "
is attributed to 'base * hydronymy wara' water '"(AL Prosdocimi) [refers to the root ie. * uer-, * uor-, * uar- (\u0026lt;* ur- ) 'water, river'], "with a mo-suffixation (-but ) frequent in the structure hydronymy. C. Mark does not exclude an attribution to the Veneto. For
A. Falileyev "is not necessarily Celtic," although you can depend on an element celt. uaro- 'Water, river', the ego. * hueh 1 r-'water' (to see. Irl. Geir the CIMR. gwêr 'tallow'). See also idron. Vara (SP).
C. Marcato (1990), sv Varmo ; Pirona GA (1988): 1521; G. Frau (1978); GB Pellegrini (1990b): 369; Prosdocimi AL (1988): 394; A. Falileyev (2007), s. vv. Varamos fl. , varus , J. Pokorny (2005): 80-1; X. Delamarre (2008): 300.
Friuli. Vil 'Var .
Wuergendus de Vuarm (1161), de Hartuwich Varm (1164).
• → me. Varmo .
C. Marcato (1990); Pirona GA (1988): 1521; A. of Prampero (2001): 215; G. Frau (1978).
Treppo Grande, UD
local pronunciation: vendòi .
de Vendoio (1146), de Vendoy (1201).
• D. Olivieri thought to derive from the Low Latin sells 'Sale or cutting of coppice'.
Vendoglio goes back quite a cock-a compound lat. Uindo-ialum (* vindòialum ) 'white village', gall from the items. -vindo 'white', 'happy' and * -ialon 'place cleared, clear'> (in the late Gallic) 'location, village'. The etymology for the common French names Vendeuil (Dordogne, Aisne, Oise) and Vandeuil (Marne), cf. even the CIMR. Ial 'clear, open space'.
G. Frau (1978); GB Pellegrini (1983): 59; GB Pellegrini (1987): 122; GB Pellegrini (1990b): 130; Prosdocimi AL (1988): 405; J. Lacroix (2007): 40; X. Delamarre (2008): 319-20, 185.
Varmo, UD
in Vendoio (1229).
• → Vendoglio .
GB Pellegrini (1987): 122; GB Pellegrini (1990b): 130.
stream that crosses Venzone 'immediately before emptying into the Tagliamento.
in Ripa Aque que dicitur Venzone (1278).
• According to G. Frau, "takes its name from the village of Venzone . It's more likely that the stream was originally called * Abincio , Avintio *, * Containing (hence Venzone ): hydronym derived the name from that area, and as noted Desinan CC, "only later took on different names and creek country, certainly not to be confused."
C. Marcato (1990), sv Venzone , G. Frau (1978); Desinan CC (2001): 48-9.
Friuli. Venzon .
Clausas de Abincione (923), Clusam de Aventione (1001), for Clausas de Venzone (1015), in Aventione (1072).
• G. Frau deems it consists of "a basic prelat. * av- ( au-) 'watercourse', with suff. -nt- el'accrescitivo -one 'to be compared with Forward , mountain, river, casera, fork (Forni Avoltri, UD).
GB Pellegrini speculates training, home gall., * ab- inko-, ego. * Ab- / * ap-'water', 'river', "which finds a parallel in Aquincum likely from * k ʷ to -" Current Budapest.
To C. Marked the name derives from a training " ab-inko * o * and similar ab-into ', a prelat. * Ab- / * ap- 'source', 'stream', reflected in the forms Ab-incione , Av-entione . A DC
Desinan Venzone seems gall. From au-i-ent-one with au- 'water' ('common substratum of Indo-European languages). See the
C. Marcato (1990); Pirona GA (1988): 1522; G. Frau (1978); GB Pellegrini (1987): 110; GB Pellegrini (1990b): 121-2; Desinan CC (2001): 48-9; X. Delamarre (2008): 60-1.
bit. and oo.
Locally ver ʒègnis , verʒègnas .
virginal (1000 AC), in Versegna (1072), in Uersegz (1126), in Versenga (1149), de Verzegnis (1200-1300).
• "Of unknown origin," NP could ascribed to the Roman Verginna "without the plural" (Frau G.). Or derive from the Latin. Verginia , Virginia.
not be ruled out for Verginna origin celt. From uerg- \u0026lt;ie. * u̯erg- 'do work', cf. NP Vergiss , the ETN. Vergunni [ Tropaea Augusti, La Turbie ( Alpes maritimae )], to the. irl. Ferg 'fury' and A. br. guerg 'effective'.
C. Marcato (1990); G. Frau (1978); X. Delamarre (2007); X. Delamarre (2008): 314.
Castelnuovo del Friuli, PN
• For DC Desinan by Vidu [gall. uidu-] 'tree' + the suff. -Onti , -ontiu ('the Gallic and other idioms of substrate).
as not to exclude a derivation from the gall. uītu- 'willow' (or 'branch Willow ').
Desinan CC (2001): 49; X. Delamarre (2008): 318, 322.
[1] http://www.tarmassia.it/archivio/?menu=1388912&sottomenu=1829235&cmd=scheda&id=1962287.
[2] See http://books.google.it/books?id=HLY-AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA157&lpg=PA157&dq # v = onepage Talamas & q = & f = false.
[3] See http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarmassia.
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