The IP address is unique for a computer, each computer is assigned a IP.E 'paper' s identity of 'Internet users, managers obviously know who you are but anyone who has access to your IP can ask the operator for reasons tied to its identity via the courts, which the court grants sempre.Risulta really reckless and often venture out to the network navigate site filtered by the same ISP. L 'ISP (such as Telecom) by law to monitor the individual IP and prevent access to sites that are not legal (such as betting sites not AAMS escort sites, selling weapons, pedophilia, racism, etc. ..), if it did not go against the law and would be trouble, so when you do This afforded him by the technology provider internet is a crime even more serious, we are beginning to control more and more pressing, this is the case of monitoring and DNS IP (such as telecom providers, and Fastweb infotrada not tolerate a change of DNS, Infostrada not even allow browsing if you set different DNS) of course, the change is not illegal but is prohibited for such uses, that is protected by the application to bypass filters by law. Fortunately, these controls are only temporary and experimental, the provider will test the use of temporarily exploiting new technologies in anticipation of changing networks (the super-fast networks that overcontrol and some are appearing in the capital Rome, where it already thousands of families can use the super-speed networks in the house with several Gb per second for Christmas already and where there were more than 25,000 Roman families connected with it.) We are sure that by now the case with the same super networks in the U.S. that the control and IP DNS will be within a couple of years and really everywhere, since it is impossible for the ISP servers, digital networks in general, and even state institutions (such as AAMS homes record companies, artists, athletes, exchequer bear the damage only (alleged) illegal exploitation of a super network gb that downloads in seconds and speeds up the connection to those servers lentucci sites stranieri.Ricordiamo still betting that many Italian companies and have only benefited from Logistep monitoring services of Telecom customers whose names ended up in court with costly cases for improper and illegal use of the network.
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